Press article: “The Musical Genius”
Allianz Magazine 1890, Edition 03/2017

Maximilian Cem Haberstock, aged twelve, has taken part in Lang Lang’s master class in Warsaw, made international appearances, and won various awards and prizes.
I love Classical and Romantic music. I’ve been playing the piano since I was seven, and it’s also since then that I’ve been having ideas for musical compositions. They’re just inside me and are often inspired by antique culture.
My favorite school subject is Latin, and I’m already looking forward to learning Ancient Greek. When an idea for a piece comes to me, I sit down at the piano, try it out, write it down and develop it further. A few weeks ago I heard for the first time what one of my pieces sounds like when it’s performed by a big orchestra. That was at the Orchestral Workshop for Young Composers in Halberstadt, and I was the youngest person there.
My music sounded much better than I thought it would. Other than that I’ve only heard it played on computer programs, but then it doesn’t always sound particularly beautiful or clear. I like it when music bangs and crashes a bit, even when I’m playing the piano.