Charity concert for the benefit of Zeltschule e.V. ("Tent School")
Hubertussaal, Schloss Nymphenburg

“Thank you very much for coming tonight!
I actually had a completely different speech prepared, in the name of Young Musicians Live and Zeltschule, but there has been a very sad news which made me decide to change my speech. As some of you may know, Mariss Jansons, one of the greatest conductors of all time and my mentor, passed away last night. So, I would like to dedicate this concert to him and his memory. I hope that one day I can make him very proud.
Thank you very much.”
Maximilian’s speech before the concert
This was the second concert of Maximilian & YML for the benefit of Zeltschule e.V. They raised enough money to provide school education for 75 refugee kids for one year. What a difference a concert makes!!